About PCAN

PCAN -We are a church committed to an energetic ministry of hospitality.  We welcome those who are seeking God’s love and grace for the first time or as life-long believers. We do so because Jesus shows us how to welcome in the gospels, regardless of race or culture, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, or relationship status. We welcome you without regard to addictions, physical or mental health, imprisonment, socio-economic circumstances, or anything that too often divides us. Our unity is in Christ.

Our Mission

We seek to create a community of disciples, connecting people to Christ, to one another and the community around us. At PCAN Ministries, we understand that our role is to guide people through a process of discipleship.  First, we welcome people to worship and praise God through our church services. Then we encourage people to grow in faith through small groups and Bible studies.  In addition, we are called to Preach Christ In All Nations.  Finally, we are called to invite others into the beloved community of Pcan Ministries.

Dedicated servants of Jesus Christ

In 2022 a new chapter began when Pastor Simuka Van Edrine went
kakiika village in Kayunga district for a crusade of five days where many
people received their deliverance and many gave their lives to Christ.
After a pronged season of drought God performed a miracle and it rained that day.

Empowering Lives

Church Impact on Youth, Women, Marriage, and Outreach.
Youth Involvement

We host youth programs, mentorship, music, and sports to engage the younger generation and build leadership skills.

Women’s Ministry

Women make up the majority of church attendees, accounting for 60-70% of congregations, often leading initiatives.

Marriage Counseling

We provide pre-marital and marriage counseling services, addressing challenges and promoting healthy relationships.

Crusades and Outreach

We organize crusades three times a year, with an estimated 85% of attendees reporting spiritual growth and renewed.

Schedule an appointment with us to discuss
your spiritual goals and community needs.

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